
Muinmos ApS is a limited liability company registered in Denmark under number 34578044 ("Muinmos"). Muinmos' registered office is at Hovedgade 12 1A, 7190 Billund, Denmark.

Use of this website

The use of this website is subject to the terms and conditions in this legal notice ("Notice"). In the event you cannot agree to these terms and conditions, you are requested to leave the website without using it any further. By using and/or accessing this website you indicate your agreement to the terms and conditions in the Notice.


The information materials and opinions published on this website are made available to the public for informational purposes only, and are not intended to constitute legal or other professional advice, and should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice relevant to particular circumstances. Muinmos does not accept any responsibility for any loss which may arise from reliance on information or materials published on this website.

Whilst Muinmos endeavours to keep the contents of the website updated at all times, we cannot guarantee that the contents are complete, correct or in accordance with current legislation.

Certain parts of this website may link to external internet sites, and other external internet sites may link to this website. Muinmos is not responsible for the content of any external internet sites.

Muinmos will take all reasonable measures to protect the website against computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other threats ("Malware"). Muinmos does not, however, warrant that this website is free from such Malware and disclaims any responsibility for or liability related to loss due to Malware received from this website or by means of files downloaded from this website.

Data protection and privacy

Muinmos takes data privacy seriously and the privacy on the internet is of crucial importance to us. For further details on the information we gather, what we do with it, and how to modify the information you entrust us with, please refer to our Privacy Notice.

Copyright and links

The materials published on this website are, unless otherwise stated, copyrighted works of Muinmos. You may make copies of materials published which are of interest to you for your own personal use and you may provide occasional copies of individual publications (in paper or electronic form) to others for information purposes only, provided that you do so free of charge. When you do make copies for yourself or others, the content of the published material and the copyright notices must remain intact, your communication of the content must not be misleading or inaccurate and a copy of this Notice, or link to it in case of digital communication, must accompany any copies of the materials which you provide to others. You may not republish any content or material available on our website on any other public website without our prior written consent. No other use of the materials published on this website is permitted without the express prior written consent of muinmos.

Anti-money laundering policies and procedures

Muinmos is committed to ensure adherence to anti-money laundering regulations, and therefore has internal procedures in place to ensure that any suspicions of money laundering are reported to the appropriate authority where there is an obligation to do so.

Anti-bribery and corruption statement

Corrupt activity, bribery or attempted bribery is never acceptable, for legal, moral and ethical reasons, and it does not matter if someone is being bribed or doing the bribing.

Muinmos has a zero tolerance for policy towards bribery and corruption. Muinmos is committed to:

  • Conducting business in a manner that complies with applicable law and is consistent with the highest ethical standards including, amongst other things, standards intended to prevent bribery and corruption; and
  • Using our best endeavours to ensure that those who perform services for and on behalf of Muinmos are aware and share our commitment to conducting business ethically.


Governing law and choice of jurisdiction

The use of this website is governed by Danish law, and any disputes relating to or arising out of this website shall be dealt with in the Danish courts.


Muinmos as a law firm

Muinmos is also a licensed law firm, and therefore authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and Wales and by the Danish Bar and Law Society of Denmark (Advokatsamfundet).

According to the rules of the Law Society of England and Wales, the Bar and Law Society of Denmark and our procedures to ensure impartiality, we will at all times ensure that no conflict of interest issues arise before taking on an assignment for a client. In the event a conflict of interest subsequently arises causing Muinmos to discontinue our work with the client, we shall provide you with a proper hand-over to another firm.

Muinmos has in place a professional indemnity insurance cover. For more information on coverage and limitation of liability, please contact us.

As a law firm, Muinmos is subject to the general rules on complaints as provided by the Law Society of England and Wales and the Bar and Law Society of Denmark.

In the event our client is not satisfied with the advice or assistance that it receives from Muinmos in its capacity as a law firm, including concerns about an invoice, the client is entitled to complain directly to us. Where the client is not satisfied with Muinmos handling of the complaint, the client may be entitled to complain to the Law Society of England and Wales or the Bar and Law Society of Denmark (as applicable) using the guidelines provided by them.